Hello, it seems like your interested in coming in for counseling, therapy, or maybe you are just looking at my website. Whatever the reason is, Welcome, for those of you who are looking for my services I honor your desire to make a transformation or receive help. Going into therapy is a wonderful way to discover what is happening in your mind and how you can cope or change your circumstances.


Whether you come in by yourself or with others, my approach is defined by the client, U. I take the information you give me and together we will discover your personality, fears, and values. The process will help unravel reasons you came into therapy. It can happen in a couple of sessions or could last for years, you get to decide how long. Usually, exercises, coping skills and collaborating will take place during our sessions. I have assessments available to help discover what your values are in life. We can discuss how you can reach a happier state of being. If the client prefers a different approach, I can provide expressional art therapy and exercise therapy as alternatives. The therapy is constructed by U and supported by me. If you come in as a couple or family I will look at each individual’s part and personality. Then we will see how you guys can arrive to a blended agreement.


My approach to care puts the client(s) being as the focus of the treatment and I address the full range of emotional, physical, social, mental, environmental, and spiritual influences that can affect a person’s health and mental state of well being. This model uses an individualized, personal approach that takes into consideration a person’s unique circumstances and needs. The goal is to help a client establish or restore optimum health and wellness. A wide array of interventions are utilized from a range of scientific disciplines.


Here are a few questions my clients ask themselves before
they go into therapy or counseling:


  • Why do I feel overwhelmed or lost?
  • Where/What are my values?
  • Why do I keep going into the same type of relationship patterns?
  • Why or how do I keep getting hurt in relationships or with other people?
  • Why or how do I keep getting hurt in relationships or with other people?
  • What do I do with my anger? Why am I always angry, frustrated, or sad? Do I dump my anger or withhold it?
  • How are things always my fault? Are people out to “get me”?
  • Where is my tolerance for other people or myself?
  • How do I deal with a situation that is totally out of my control?
  • Do I emotionally eat? Or go to substance use to cope with my pain?
  • Do I find myself lying often or too much?
  • How do I help someone I care about’s alcohol or drug use?
  • How do I help myself with my own substance dependence or abuse problem?
  • How do I get along with my partner? What has happened to my marriage?
  • How do I get along with a family member? How do I set boundaries with a family member and not feel guilt?
  • When will I get over that awful event that happened to me so long ago?
  • When will I get over that awful event that happened to me so long ago?
  • Why am I, just now, thinking about something that happened in my past?
  • How do get over or get out of an abusive relationship?
  • Why do I stay in an abusive relationship?
  • How do I recognize if someone is Narcissistic or Sociopath?
  • How can I heal after being in a relationship with a narcissist or sociopath?
  • Why am I depressed or anxious?
  • Why do I not feel good enough?

“The therapy is constructed by U and supported by me.“

A “U” approach to therapy

Whether you come in by yourself or with others, my approach is defined by the client, U. I take the information you give me and discover your personality, fears, and desires. Then the guiding begins to help unravel reasons you came into therapy. The process can happen in a couple of sessions or could last for years, you get to decide how long. Usually, exercises, coping skills and talking about how you feel about important situations take place during our sessions. I have assessments available to help you discover what your values are in life and we can discuss how you can reach a happier state of being. The therapy is Constructed by you and guided by me. If you come is as a couple or family I will look at each individual’s part and personality. Then we will see how the couple or family can discover an agreement in how to get along.

Please contact me at 404-388-4990 for a consultation or click the link below. I would like to have the opportunity to talk with you over the phone to see if we can begin your journey. Request An Appoinment